Grace to Paint


Weekly Oil Paintings by Sister Maresa Lilley, SND


race to Paint

Weekly Oil Paintings
by Sister Maresa Lilley, SND

Dwelling Place of God

This is an older painting that was sold a few years ago, but I do not think I ever put it on this blog.

Laughing Jesus

There are plenty of incongruities in the human condition that could make God laugh.

Upon Our Waters

A bit whimsical of Jesus who walked upon our waters, perhaps this is a smile and a lift in stormy times.

Saint Joan of Arc

This heroic young woman has always had a grip on my soul. So much can be said about her. Born in Domremy, France in 1412, she first heard voices from heaven at age 12. St. Catherine and St. Margaret began to prepare her for her mission, and later St. Michael and visions of her heavenly […]

Your Servant, Lord

Below is the initial test sketch 8 x6″ of the final painting. I wanted to test color scheme and light effects before I tackled the larger format.

Verdant Pastures

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. In verdant pastures He gives me repose. (Ps. 23:1)

In Him My Rest

Psalm 62:5: “Yes, my soul, find rest in God.” Scroll below to see beginnings.

Light of Travelers

So many people on the move today…from point A to some possible unknown B. Jesus and Mary also did their share. No doubt Mary undertook a great deal of traveling trying to catch up with her adult Son for some precious contact with him as He moved among His people. As Sisters of Notre Dame, […]