Grace to Paint


Weekly Oil Paintings by Sister Maresa Lilley, SND


race to Paint

Weekly Oil Paintings
by Sister Maresa Lilley, SND

Asian Bouquet

This lovely bouquet was handed to a Vietnamese Dominican Sister on the day of her profession of Perpetual Vows. The wrap was a kind of plastic-like paper that could hold the moisture of the flowers quite well, but of course, I was fascinated with the folds.

Motor Girl

For the time being I may have gotten some of Ngyuen Thanh Binh out of my system. I do aspire to his kind of essence in oil paint.

Bird Girl

After the simplicity of Nguyen Thanh Binh. The previous post has the explanation for these last two paintings.

Flower Girl

I am so inspired by the lovely simplicity of the striking work of Vietnamese painter Nguyen Thanh Binh that I had to try a spin off myself. Mine lacks his genius, and if you search his name you may agree!