Grace to Paint


Weekly Oil Paintings by Sister Maresa Lilley, SND


race to Paint

Weekly Oil Paintings
by Sister Maresa Lilley, SND

Breakfast Nook (in final stages)

6×8″ oil paint on canvas sheet; use “comment” below to inquire.

Now “Breakfast Nook” is nearing the finish line. What I will still do in the final work on this large painting is clean up any muddy looking color, check the balance of the lights and the darks, and make sure nothing is jumping out too much either by color or by error! This is the cozy place in my father’s kitchen where many a meal with his wife was enjoyed, and many bills have been paid. It is where I often sat with him when I visited. Now in the transitions of aging, he will sell his home of 39 years and the nook will be relegated to memory.

See all available paintings on my Etsy Shop


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Meet Sr.Maresa

I am Sister Maresa Lilley, a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame, located in Chardon, Ohio, USA. For many years, I have enjoyed a passion that permits me to reflect upon simple reality with a brush in hand. To capture a simple essence on canvas and to discover inherent beauty is a daily immersion.

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