Grace to Paint


Weekly Oil Paintings by Sister Maresa Lilley, SND


race to Paint

Weekly Oil Paintings
by Sister Maresa Lilley, SND

Chicken Bar-b-que Boutique Booth

Sept. 22, was a non-painting day for me, since I was involved in our annual chicken bar-b-que. Usually, somewhere between 3000 and 4000 people come to enjoy a dinner, and shopping for handmade items, in the high school building of Notre Dame Cathedral Latin on our property. So here is a picture of my set up for the day. We will do it all again next Sunday, Sept. 29, and enjoy seeing so many people come to have a big meal and renew acquaintances of  50 plus years of the annual fundraiser. You can see our invitation on our homepage of Thank you sincerely to all who came to support us yesterday. You are gratefully remembered in our prayers.

Most of the items of our boutique are made by the Sisters of Notre Dame; my paintings are included.

See all available paintings on my Etsy Shop


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Meet Sr.Maresa

I am Sister Maresa Lilley, a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame, located in Chardon, Ohio, USA. For many years, I have enjoyed a passion that permits me to reflect upon simple reality with a brush in hand. To capture a simple essence on canvas and to discover inherent beauty is a daily immersion.

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