Now in Rome, Italy, we six pilgrims will be walking ancient roads to see St. Peter’s Basilica and many of the Church’s holy places. On Sunday, some of us made it to Pope Francis’s window on time for the noon Angelus prayer and his blessing. Though the Church is beset with sinful people, her holiness as Christ’s Body and Fountain of His grace cannot be dimmed. Multitudes of holy people died for this belief, and many people consecrate themselves for a lifetime to strive to be holy in the heart of the Church.
Our foundress for the Coesfeld Sisters of Notre Dame, Sister Maria Aloysia, will probably never be canonized. But she is one of the multitudes of holy persons who gave themselves entirely, first to Jesus Christ, and also to His Church. She did whatever was needed to be done. Rome is always a good reminder that we are surrounded by cohorts of Saints on earth and in heaven.