Grace to Paint


Weekly Oil Paintings by Sister Maresa Lilley, SND


race to Paint

Weekly Oil Paintings
by Sister Maresa Lilley, SND

Upon Our Waters

*8 x 10″ oil on canvas panel

A bit whimsical of Jesus who walked upon our waters, perhaps this is a smile and a lift in stormy times.

See all available paintings on my Etsy Shop


4 Responses

  1. Beautiful! Truly so, your perfect reply to the painting!
    All your lovely paintings lift my spirits, how you capture beauty is amazing!
    Thank you, Sr Maresa.

    1. Thank you, dear Kay. I am sure that lifting our spirits was the reason Jesus walked the water for his followers.

  2. Dear Sister Maresa,
    Your painting speaks! I did smile, yes, but come, Jesus, walk on our troubled waters.

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Meet Sr.Maresa

I am Sister Maresa Lilley, a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame, located in Chardon, Ohio, USA. For many years, I have enjoyed a passion that permits me to reflect upon simple reality with a brush in hand. To capture a simple essence on canvas and to discover inherent beauty is a daily immersion.

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