Lift the Lamp
Your Servant, Lord
Below is the initial test sketch 8 x6″ of the final painting. I wanted to test color scheme and light effects before I tackled the larger format.
All Is Well
He sleeps yet his heart is awake.
Who Me?
Yes, little Bluebird of Happiness, you!
Verdant Pastures
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. In verdant pastures He gives me repose. (Ps. 23:1)
Light of Travelers
So many people on the move today…from point A to some possible unknown B. Jesus and Mary also did their share. No doubt Mary undertook a great deal of traveling trying to catch up with her adult Son for some precious contact with him as He moved among His people. As Sisters of Notre Dame, […]
Mmmm Chocolate! With a smile on top.
Family Portrait
After tedious careful detail in some of my work, I enjoy letting loose in the ridiculous. Again line and whimsy win the day, and maybe this is a fitting artistic statement for a child’s room.
With Lemon, Please
What fascinated me about the free photo I used were all the line designs (laborious!) as well as the colors, so I attempted to paint the image on a large canvas. Below I include early stage photos:
I was asked to paint this unique pup with the big eyes for a special Birthday surprise. Dixie is now much older with a whitish coat of long fur which only makes her eyes pop the more.